Latest Episodes
Ep 39 - Be GigReady now!
It's coming back and you don't want to get caught. It's time to dust everything off and get ready to be back at it....
Ep 38 - On the Road to Health
The absolute most important part about being on the road is attempting to stay healthy while doing it. Who said it would be easy?...
Ep. 37 Head to the next level and be a better PRO!
The AV industry is unique in many ways and one of the most prevelant is that I have met more people in the Audio...
Episode 36 - Event and Personnel Security
As we get back to it, event security is going to be a huge factor in making sure that every facet of an event...
Ep. 35 - From Operator to Owner, How to make the jump
At one point in time or another each of us have been or are an operator of some sort in the live event industry....
Ep. 34 - Better events in 2021
Today Joe and I had a candid discussion on how we can be better event professionals in 2021. How can we act and treat...